Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The book and the movie

After the big success of Igor Kolarov's novel Agi and Emma (2002)it was adapted for the big screen (2007) by director Milutin Petrovic. The novel tells the story about the strange, yet beautiful friendship between Agi and Emma. Agi is a 9-year-old boy, who lives in a modern family, with parents who are always busy and who move around very often. His life changes when he meets Emma, an elderly but very lively women. Ema is his only friend. Together, they create their own world, a world of friendship, imagination and creativity, full of all kinds of interesting mischief.

While teh movie was still in the making, the Serbian Company Limited from Toronto published the English translation (2006) by Irina Sutulov, with a foreword by Milutin Petrovic.

After reading the book, you can also enjoy the movie on a DVD with English subtitles

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